One thing I have done pretty
consistently during my first two months at site has been baby weighings. Each
month, women are supposed to bring their child to the clinic to get weighed. Babies
get weighed on Tuesdays and Fridays and usually about 50 mothers show up. The
babies get weighed on a hanging scale, measured on a height chart, and their
arms get measured to see if they are malnourished. Usually there are two staff
members who work at the baby weighings and along with my help we record all
the information. Some babies have lost weight, others have gained weight
and some are the same weight as last month.
Occasionally I see an extremely malnourished child and they are usually
sent to a malnutrition hospital in my district capitol. The other day, for
example, a mother brought in a baby who weighed five pounds and was three
months old. It was the littlest baby I’ve ever seen. The next week I saw a ten month old who
weighed eleven pounds. I am not a huge fan of the actual baby weighing
process, since many of the staff members want me to take over and do most of
the work. That, however, is not my job
and it is stressful sometimes to explain that to them. My job is to talk to the mom’s and
ask them about their child’s health.
This is a weekly challenge due to language barriers.
The majority of the mothers that
visit the clinic weekly are illiterate, only speak the local language, and are not actively engaged in the baby weighings. They usually are unaware if their baby
gained or lost weight. The staff doesn't involve the women in learning about
why they might have gained or lost weight. The women are
not engaged, and are not active participants in their child’s health. There is
also no conversation between mothers about the type of food they feed their
baby or encouragement between mothers to help their babies gain weight. Because of this, I decided to try to create
an activity that would include the women and help them learn about their
child’s nutrition and weight patterns. I found some poster board and used two
old peanut butter cans and decided to create a simple activity where the women
would put a rock in a specific peanut butter jar, corresponding to if their
child gained or lost weight this month. The women seemed to enjoy the activity and were able to learn if their
child gained or lost weight. Everyone could participate, regardless of whether they could read or not. I also really liked how the staff was very open to the
activity. They helped translate in local
language how to participate and made sure each mother understood what it meant
when they put the rock in the jar. I mentioned the project to the Director of Health within Peace Corps Burkina and she asked me to share the project with my group at the training because she thought it was a great idea!
Speaking of language barriers, a few weeks ago I went to my district capitol to continue learning Bissa. I went with two
other volunteers in my area. My tutor from village came to the city too, to
teach us. We stayed in a house that had electricity and running water, which
was such a treat! We had morning classes of Bissa and then the rest was free
time to roam the city. The city, if I can even call it one, is pretty small and doesn't even have an internet café. There is a nice market, every three days,
where we did a little shopping. I even found a pagne (fabric sold here to make
clothes) that had the Chicago Bears logo on it! I of course had to buy it. It
was one of two pagnes in a small store. I’ve never seen another team logo on a
pagne and I can’t wait to give it to the tailor. I might wait for one of my family members
from Chicago (hint, hint) to visit and have something made for them.
Since the district
capitol of Garango, is about 20 km from Komtoega, I have some friends who live
here and commute each day to village. This was nice because I got to get drinks
and dinner with some of them during the week. I also got to watch the African
Cup of Nations Final at my friend’s house. He is the director of an elementary
school in my village and he invited us over to his house to watch. It was
really fun and they made really good rice with peanut sauce. Unfortunately, Burkina lost to Nigeria in the
final, but I think the Burkinabe were still really excited they had made it
that far. The country even cancelled work and school the following Tuesday to
When the power did come back on, I was busy writing an
Etude de Milieu which is basically a
report on my observations at site, the current programs, organizations and
projects underway, what future projects I could work on, what are the
community’s needs, what are the main health problems and how can Peace Corps
and the village work together. It is a
20 page report and I am just about finished.
I wrote mine in English although we are apparently supposed to translate
it into French. This is definitely
easier said than done, and I am looking to find a local friend here who can
We then presented our findings
during our In-Service Training which I am currently at right now. The training is two weeks, one in the capital
and one in a city called Koudougou. The
first week was in Ouaga with all 26 of us volunteers. Currently I am in Koudougou waiting for my counterpart from village to arrive. He is the director of a primary school and we will work together in the coming months.
One of the things I learned while
completing the Etude was that many
girls at the high school dropout to get married. The director of the school identified this as
a key problem and something that the community needs to work on. I am hoping to do a lot of work at the
school, and was able to finally start this past week. The Youth Development Committee, which is a
committee run by volunteers in the Peace Corps, is hosting a Youth Leadership
and Development Conference in May. The
conference will include several volunteers who can each bring two youth from
their communities. The goal is to
motivate the youth to be leaders in their communities so that they can motivate their villages, evaluate
the needs of their village, learn how to give health demonstrations, and learn how to
develop projects.
Last day was International Women’s
Day, which is actually a pretty big holiday in Burkina! Women and men purchase a special fabric that
has a logo celebrating the event and they get clothes made to wear on the
day. There was also an event that took
place in my village where women and men gave speeches. Women’s associations
from all over participated in a parade, and there was local music and
dancing. There was supposed to be a
women’s soccer game and a bike race, but I don’t think it wound up
happening. Many of the women were really
excited about the day and asked me several times if I was going to participate. It was nice to see some of the men
participating as well, although I hope in the future more men will partake in
the celebration.
Last night we went out to celebrate St. Patty's Day. We went and got dinner at a nice restaurant in town and then went to a dance club. One of the volunteers got a care package and it included a set of wolf ears. We thought it was a weird gift but decided to bring it out as a joke. When we got to the dance club we made a game and said whoever is wearing the wolf years has to yell out loud like a wolf and then dance. The game just kind of happened, it wasn't anything formal or planned out. We all had fun with the idea and then decided to test it out on a Burkinabe. I decided to pass it over to a Burkinabe and she loved the idea. She immediately howled and went to the dance floor to dance. By the end of the night the whole dance club, volunteers and Burkinabe, were dancing with us, howling like wolves, wearing the hat, and passing it around the room. The DJ at one point was also wearing it, and he was using his music and our music -one of the volunteers had an iPod- and would create mixes using local music and our music. At times we were all in a group singing together, dancing together, exchanging dance moves, and learning lyrics in different languages. It was probably my favorite night in country! I hope everyone had as exciting of a St. Patrick's Day as I did! Sorry there are no pictures on this post, the internet has been too slow to load them, but there are some on my Facebook page! N